Sunday, 18 March 2012

Toby Deveson

Toby Deveson has been taking photographs since 1989 and is a black and white photographer who studies landscape and documentary. He also uses the dark room for his edits which would be good to use as I haven't used the dark room yet during my exam topic and it also shows elderly times in photography. His photos also seem to have a grainy/film effect to them which will reflect my ones of my grandparents as I wanted to show elderly age but also a modern way of having the photos crisp and in focus.
This photo doesn't reflect what I want to do in the shoot but I think this photographer/picture reflects good inspiration and has aspects that I want to get from it such as the black and white or the ISO part.
I love the way this photo is so nautural with the children to the right and the man on the bike on the left riding. It shows different personalities of people and what people do everyday. I think the ISO been used would have been about 1200 to keep it sharp and focussed but to show that it is an older picture.

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