My final piece has been inspired by Joseph Cornell who has been the context and back base of this exam for me. I wanted to re-create his memory box (picture below) with all kinds of memories resembling me. This box would be filled with memories of my past family, images I have taken from this exam such as what I have re-created but also to have myself in their and memories of myself.
Things I would put in their from myself would be pictures from holidays/places or from my cousins wedding in 2003 when I was a bridesmaid.
These are my images I took. I did one in colour and one in black and white.
When taking this final shoot I experimented massively. I tried out the box in a studio with a black background and lamps but it was quite hard to make it look perfect as where ever the lamp went parts of the box look to over exposed and bright. I then eventually tried out a main lamp over the whole thing and used a colour and black and white dynamic effect on my camera. I also experimented with the ISO. I put it up to 1200 but I wanted the picture sharp and effective so I kept the ISO at about 400/800.
I am really pleased with these photos as this is something completely different to what I usually do. I like how I experimented not with just memories as I looked at landscapes and documentary to. If I had more time I would like to further develop this and go way back into family history to see what my family was like and how I could make into an art. These final images I want to blow up on glossy paper (size A3) and maybe put onto a thick canvas or put in a frame.
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